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Sunday, March 25, 2007

Bailey's Story

Bailey is a three year old Bull Terrier, and she's the love of Maruchy Perez's life.

Maruchy is a singer, and the summer that Bailey was born she was working for one of the Disney ships out of Port Canaveral (half her luck - sounds like a great lifestyle!).

Maruchy had researched the the breed for two years before she met the breeder who lived about five hours away from where Maruchy lived.

Bailey was born in Brooksville forty miles north of Tampa on the 4th of July. The breeder sent pictures of the litter to Maruchy after they were born, and Maruchy picked Bailey out from the many pictures she received while on the Disney ship.

Bailey went home with Maruchy some nine weeks later, and she was everything Marchy had hoped for. She was a hand full but a lot of fun.

But it wasn't long before the challenges started. Maruchy noticed that Bailey was sick a lot, with either hives or vomiting or diarrhea or all three. Maruchy repeatedly took Bailey to the vet who usually gave her cortisone for the hives, and pills to prevent dehydration.

When she was four months old Bailey was given her rabies shot.

Over the next four months, Bailey went from a loving puppy to a very nasty and aggressive dog with BIG teeth.

Maruchy spoke to the vet, the breeder, animal trainers, and anyone who she thought might be able to help. Bailey had become so aggressive that at one point it seemed as everyone was saying "put her down".

Maruchy couldn't bear the though of it. She was desperate to find a better solution. After another month of living in fear, Maruchy contacted an "animal communicator", Diane Samsel, who told Maruchy to take Bailey off the commercial dog food she was on immediately, and to find a holistic doctor. The animal communicator also advised Maruchy to let the holistic doctor know that Bailey had "auto immune vaccinosis".

Maruchy did exactly what the animal communicator suggested. She ceased the commercial dog food, and set up a consultation with a holistic doctor, knowing that Bailey was a very sick little dog, and determined to save Bailey from a terrible fate.

Bailey showed signs of improvement withiin two days of being totally off commercial dog food! Maruchy started her on a raw food only diet and went to see a wonderful doctor who agreed to consult with Maruchy and treat Bailey. With the animal communicator's guidance, Maruchy instructed and helped the doctor give Bailey the holistic medicines she needed to get her back on track.

For more information on the effects of vaccinations in pets, click here.

Maruchy's understanding of Auto Immune Vaccinosis is that it is a condition which can arise when the body has been given so much poison by way of vaccines, that the body starts to reject one of its own organs. In Bailey's case, her body was rejecting her liver. Bailey couldn't control herself and was in a lot of pain, and she regressed to a behaviour reminiscent of times past when aggression was actively encouraged in bull terriers in order to fight them. The liver is also said to be the recepticle for feelings, from a holistic point of view, including anger.

Who is a candidate for Auto Immune Vaccinosis? Basically anything that lives and has organs that can be poisoned by injecting the body with the so called "anti-virus". In other words, pets are at a very high risk due to the very high number and frequency of so-called essential vaccinations. And because the vaccinations aren't necessarily given in doses which take into account the animal's size, small dogs are probably at greater risk than large ones. But any dog can be susceptible.

Now that Maruchy has eliminated the vaccines and petfood toxins from Bailey's system, she's very careful not to expose Bailey to other poisons - including household chemicals.

For information on eliminating toxins from your dog's life, thereby improving his/her health significantly, click here.

Maruchy sent me some cute pictures of Bailey and her playmate, Halle, Maruchy's other dog. You can see the pics here.

Wow, what a story! I know these vaccinations (not to mention cortisone as well) can do harm and can build up in the dog's system. I'm surprised it happened so soon with Bailey. At only 8 months old! That's really frightening, isn't it? To think of the potential harm it can do to an older dog when they're given these drugs regularly over a lifetime.

When I started on my "journey" with my Healthy Happy Dogs site and newsletter, I really wasn't aware of just how important a holistic approach is for dogs. I'd actually always had my dogs vaccinated. But not any more. The last time I received the reminder letter from the vet that my dogs' annual shots were due, I took them for an examination, but NO shots this time. And NO more cortisone for my Rottweiler's skin irritations (which have improved radically since I've been supplementing with vitamins).

I actually expected an argument from the vet when I said I wasn't going to agree to any more vaccinations. But guess what? She said that was FINE - the important thing is to bring the dogs in for a checkup - the vaccinations are certainly NOT essential. I couldn't believe it! Why continually vaccinate a dog when it's not ecessary?? I was dumbfounded. I've done a lot of research, and know this to be the case, but for my vet who has always routinely pumped poisonous vaccine into my dogs every year to admit it was totally unnecessary - I was dumbfounded.

Bailey's story (and my experience with my vet) are such an important lesson for you. Now, please don't misunderstand me - I'm NOT advocating abandoning your vet's advice - PLEASE ALWAYS discuss your concerns and your intentions with your vet. There may be valid reasons why your particular dog may need a particular vaccination (especially puppies). And some jurisdictions have legal requirements for certain vaccinations.

But whatever you decide, please MAKE SURE that you take your dog in for a general health checkup at least once a year.

© Brigitte Smith, 2005


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